Biography of Tim Callahan

A group of people that are talking to each other

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  1. Personal Information
  2. Education
  3. Major
  4. All my travels
  5. Why I'm taking this class

Personal Information

I was born and raised in Stow, MA. It is a peaceful little suburb 25 miles (50 min) outside Boston. I currently live in St. Louis, MO. I am married with 2 kids. I am the Geographic Information Systems Manager for the City of St. Louis.


I graduated from Nashoba Regional High School in 2007. I worked and went to community college after high school, before enlisting in the USAF. I received my CCAF degree in Construction Technology last year. I just recently separated from the USAF after 8 years of service, and moved to St. Louis, MO (from Florida). I worked as an Engineering Assistant, specializing in land surveying, mapping, and computer-aided design. I have various certificates related to these fields.



All my travels

I have lived in Massachusetts, England, Korea, Florida, and now Missouri. I have traveled to 28 countries and only 16 states. My favorite city I have traveled to is Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

Why I'm taking this class

It is one of two classes that satisfy my degree requirements; Both classes happen to be taught by Dr. Peterson. Upon completion of these two courses I will graduate with my BS in Geography.


I agree to post all assignments for this course on the web for the professor and other students to view.

Submitted by Tim Callahan on 1/20/2020.